Rules and Regulations

  1. All members entering the Knowledge Centre are required to enter their details in the Visitor’s register at the time of entry and exit.
  2. Students are requested to carry their Identity Card, issued to them by the Institute while visiting the Knowledge Centre.
  3. Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the main library.
  4. The main library is a quiet zone, and for all group work/discussions, students should use the reading room. Do make efforts to keep the overall noise levels in the reading room to a minimum so as to not disturb the other groups.
  5. Knowledge Centre permits the consumption of water and biscuits except for near bookshelves and computer workstations. All other foods and drinks are not permitted in the Knowledge Centre. Please leave no trace of your food by throwing away all related trash.
  6. Anyone caught marking, defacing or mutilating books or any other Knowledge Centre material will be expected to pay for the material with the most current edition of the same.
  7. Users are requested to not shelve books after removing them from the shelf. Leave the books on the desk near the door.
  8. No Knowledge Centre equipment should be moved, modified or tampered with.
  9. Use of sound equipment is strictly prohibited in the Knowledge Centre.
  10. Seats in the Knowledge Centre may not be reserved.
  11. Internet and computer usage are available on a walk-in basis. No more than two people are allowed at a computer station at one time.
  12. The Knowledge Centre reserves the right to check bags, folders or other belongings of library members and visitors.

Digital Resources Guidelines

  1. You may not re-distribute data to third parties without express permission.
  2. You may not share the remote access login credentials with third parties.
  3. Extensive downloading or copying, violation of licensing terms
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Reading & Consultation
Days Timings
Monday - Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Circulation Hours
Days Timings
Monday - Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Sunday Holiday

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